I LOVE feather trees and I came across a great tutorial on how to make a wool feather tree-well..... you know my love affair with wool? Also my good friend Christine from 'Preferably Prim' had a special birthday and I know she has been looking for some prim trees to decorate with, hence my excuse to get started!
You will see her trees here

I used brown coloured wool and attached mini pumpkins for a fall tree. I showed our teenagers my attempts the other night-of course they said it was lovely but....mum, 'pumpkins don't grow on trees'!!!! How sad, that not everybody gets the prim thing!lol!
I am not sure if I am hyperlinking these sites but I will try again. The feather tree tutorial found here

This is a wool crazy bobbin tree.

A smaller autumn coloured tree and just to show the size....

Finally, a bobbin feather tree

Sorry the links don't appear to have worked:( I will try and edit again when my son comes home-he is more technically minded than I am
Hope you have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by,