Today was piano exam day, so quite a bit of stress with that-I'll not bore you with the rest of the activities this week but I start my new job next week!!!!! So some changes required around here, especially on the organisational front (even though I will only be gone 2 days in the week)
Anyway, I felt the need to do some stitching over the weekend (I'm getting a sneaking feeling my sewing time might be curtailed a little, for the first few weeks at least.
I put together this quilt top and now I need some help from you quilters out there.
Up until now I confess to really only having quilted in the ditch or around applique shapes by hand, but I would love to know how you would quilt this top if it was yours:)
The second pic shows a little closer the fabric and the width of the bands-again I'm looking advice, how to quilt it.
Ok, I'm a glutton for punishment....I think I'm trying to put myself off wool applique, but I have started the Autumn quilt blocks I showed in a previous post!
Three down and nine to go:) I'm very proud to say, all the fabrics-Japanese wovens, brushed cottons and wools are all from my stash and I'm pretty sure I will have enough to complete it.....not sure if that is a good admission or not??
Just a few pics to show the textures
It has taken me hours to do this post, I'm not sure what blogger is doing here today!
I wanted to upload a photo of a lovely gift I received in the post but am unable to get it sorted for some reason, so I am going to go ahead with this post now and hopefully blogger will play ball when I get back.
Thanks again for all your interest and please please tell me how you would quilt this top if it was yours:)
Shazy x