Last week was one of those weeks-2 steps forward and about 10 steps back!!! Most evenings and afternoons (school finished early) were spent revising-this was my son's end of first year exams and until now, they have never been taught how to revise, so it was intense to say the least. Lets just hope he has learnt from the experience!!
Added to that was ANOTHER visit to the Dr's with him, for ANOTHER round of antibiotics-they know us on first name terms now..HA! AND we were back again today with cherub number 3....I'm beginning to feel a little uncomfortable, in case they think I have an obsession with the surgery, or worse still, with someone in the surgery:( It's going to have to be vitamins all round for the next month, to help us stay out of that place!
I did get the most lovely surprise in the midst of one of my power cleaning mornings......Yep, Postie came again:)) Oh, I so love postie when he brings me parcels, especially ones that have been put together especially for me, catering to my tastes. Just check out what my lovely friend Wendy from 'The Quiet Room' sent...
Is that amazing or what? The photo doesn't show the lovely pillow properly. It has a little prayer and smells delish! Look at those bobbins (I am going to pinch a few for makedo's) and the lovely rusty goods and paddle and candles....
Thank you soooo much Wendy, I just love them all:))
Wendy does the most beautiful stitching and uses her blog as a journal. Not only is she a great friend but she is so inspirational, fun and so down to earth with it! Thanks again buddy:))
I never got to show you this boy I made recently. I like how he turned out with his wool penny rug, but I'm not sure if he would look better without his ears-what do you think?
Because of the nature of last week, I only got to snatch a bit of stitching here and there-purely for therapy, so it had to be something not very brain taxing and relaxing:)
I know it's not Fall yet, but I just needed these comforting colours....the bigger pillow is a chestnut junction pattern and the smaller I think, came from Homeberries.
I hope I am giving credit appropriately, as it has been a while since I got the smaller one.
The close ups are to show you the lovely fabrics I made them up with - Memes Quilts, but I don't remember which range. The stitcheries are darker than the pic shows, as they were stained.
Thanks to all who visit and to those who leave comments, I greatly appreciate each and every one.
I mightn't get much blogging in, for the next few weeks as I have a major clean to do, for going away Monday week-(my MIL will be staying here) but we will see, I might get round it quicker than I think :)
Hope you all have a great week,
Shazy x