Life has just been a gallop this last while, not all pleasant but thankfully there are blessings not to be overlooked either!
With the busy-ness etc blogging has had a back seat and I apologise for not commenting on blogs-I'm afraid when the choice of a few spare mins presented themselves, my therapy got preference; namely, my stitching! I do find that it helps me relax, which in turn helps me get the jobs on hand dealt with!
Today finds us off for the Easter break and I have my niece staying over and to lift her mind (her mum is having an op today)we got to stitching, so we are having a relaxing day. Here is my daughter and niece learning stitchery!
Then below are some things I have been working on during my 3 months absence from blogging.
First up is 'Home Sweet Home' by 'Heart to Hand' I have the first 3 blocks finished.
Now before you say, what about your other Autumn quilt........I have the top all sewed together, just have to do the vines etc and I haven't taken a recent picture.
This next is a different colour palette than usual for me but I am enjoying working on it- a Sandy G pattern.
Then something handy for the Easter break-some stitchery blocks by Primitive Stitches that Karen from Farmhouse Woolens had in her shop a while ago.
I am loving doing it especially since I have realised the joy of 'Transfer eze'
I LOVE this stuff. The last pic shows it in action-just print out pattern, it self-adheres to your fabric, you stitch, put it in water and it dissolves away-brilliant!
Ok, my time seems to be up on here, they now want chocolate cake!
I appreciate if you have taken time to visit me> Maybe I will get back again before 3 months!!!
Shazy x