Where does time go? I can't believe how the days are flying by-I don't know about you, but I feel as if I'm in a speed wobble:)
Is it the time of year or something, but all I seem to see is the cleaning that needs to be done-windows, laundry, cupboards, floors, bathrooms.....that's only inside; the ouside I can't bear to look at, after the winter hammering it has received!!
Don't get me wrong-I'm grateful to be able to do it, but sometimes its a tad overwhelming, possibly because I want it done yesterday:))
BUT..the main reason why I'm naffed?-I think I have just blew my chances at getting a little trip to the States!! Rather my sewing room has.
Hubs is into renewable enery stuff and we had discussed a little trip (just him and I) to Wisconsin-he would get to his show and I would get to ALL my fav quilting and prim shops:)) Sadly, the other night, I asked him to move some boxes in my sewing room, that I couldn't lift. Unfortunately, they were boxes FULL of fabric-hubs was disgusted at the stash and I was quite firmly enlightened, that I didn't need to go to any quilt shops for the rest of my life! Huh? A girl needs LOADSA stash!
Maybe it's time to make a few nice dinners.......humm
I have really enjoyed seeing all your beautiful homes and your spring decor. Decorating for spring is new to me, so I don't have much, but here are a few pics of some bits-actually, they seem to be all bunnies:))
These bunny eggs are a little difficult to see-here is one close up
These next little bunnies, came from Christine (Preferably Prim) I think they are very cute. Thanks again, Christine.
Thought I would try a little change of colour scheme-not red this time (tho' if you look closely, there is a fine red stripe in there!)
I made some of these eggs for my sister-her kitchen is these colours and I thought they looked lovely and fresh. The chocolate bunnies I made from wool.
Next, is a simple little project.I tried my hand at felting some wool this past week-the bunny and the background wool are the result. I was pleased with the felting, maybe I will try over-dying next time!
This is the time of year when I start gathering up bits and pieces of hand sewing to do, as from Easter on, we spend alot of time up at the North Coast. Now, I know these aren't spring, but, I loved them and just had to have them:)) So these are my 'summer' projects-aren't the wools just yummy...
(This is the kit and the pattern for the above little pic-I got these from The Quilted Crow)
I haven't had time to blog much recently and that only seems set to continue-what, with all the work I need to do and the Easter hols etc... but I hope you all have a lovely break and enjoy family time,
Shazy x