Hello again blogging friends!
I am home again and boy is it good to be home!
Overwhelmed, underestimates how I felt when I read all your lovely comments of best wishes for my surgery-I feel I have so many friends out there! Even though I haven't met you, I feel I know you, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Surgery for the gallbladder removal went as planned, but I also had to have an area of my bowel resected which complicated things a little more- only allowing me home now, but I don't see it really as a complication but as a blessing in disguise.
A problem with the bowel was identified and resolved during surgery, which apparently would have caused me an obstruction in the not too distant future, resulting in more major surgery at a later date. I stand once again, truly amazed at the unseen hand of my Father who had been going before, guiding the surgeons hand and every little detail-don't forget, my surgery had been delayed; was that to allow this problem to be more easily identified? I don't know, but one thing I do know is that,
"all things work together for good, to them that love Him"
Once again, many many thanks for all your prayers and support.
I plan to enjoy catching up on all your happenings over the next few days, so keep blogging and crafting! (Sorry, no pics from me today!lol)
Blessings, Shazy x
Monday, 25 January 2010
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Here I go again!! Plus makeover time!
Thought I would take some time out from housework to do a quick post. Guess what?
I got my letter yesterday and I'm going for my gallbladder surgery tomorrow, if all goes to plan!!
There is still the risk of it being cancelled again but, they sure don't give much notice! So you have guessed-the marathon of leaving everything ready has begun:)
In the midst of it all, my 13yr old daughter is in the middle of exams and I don't know about you, but I seem to get the job of asking loads of questions, which is very time consuming but seems to be very necessary!!
Talking about school; our almost 3yr old had her little open morning for nursery on saturday, so a few days before, I started to prepare her a little (she seemed a bit negative about it)- so the morning before I asked her was she and I going to school, to which she replied, "no mummy, I'm feeling a wee bit sick today"-what about that for a rascal!! We all couldn't stop laughing.
Anyhow, she enjoyed it when I got her there:)
Now to get on to crafting-I have a couple of antique chairs that I wanted to do something with. Now don't get excited, I wasn't brave enough to do a paint makeover (to be honest, I didn't know what to do paintwise-any ideas?) but my mum came for a visit and we did a little bit of upholstering-this is the before-
This is the after-what do you think?

I would like a little prairie doll sometime to sit on it, but my little bear will do meantime-not particularly prim, but hey, I still like this look and isn't that what it's all about?
This is just to show you when you come in the front door. Until last night, there was a big sideboard sitting here and I felt it blocked the entry too much, so hubby was called upon once again!! I thought the chair suited the little Americana shelf above.
Thought I would take some time out from housework to do a quick post. Guess what?
I got my letter yesterday and I'm going for my gallbladder surgery tomorrow, if all goes to plan!!
There is still the risk of it being cancelled again but, they sure don't give much notice! So you have guessed-the marathon of leaving everything ready has begun:)
In the midst of it all, my 13yr old daughter is in the middle of exams and I don't know about you, but I seem to get the job of asking loads of questions, which is very time consuming but seems to be very necessary!!
Talking about school; our almost 3yr old had her little open morning for nursery on saturday, so a few days before, I started to prepare her a little (she seemed a bit negative about it)- so the morning before I asked her was she and I going to school, to which she replied, "no mummy, I'm feeling a wee bit sick today"-what about that for a rascal!! We all couldn't stop laughing.
Anyhow, she enjoyed it when I got her there:)
Now to get on to crafting-I have a couple of antique chairs that I wanted to do something with. Now don't get excited, I wasn't brave enough to do a paint makeover (to be honest, I didn't know what to do paintwise-any ideas?) but my mum came for a visit and we did a little bit of upholstering-this is the before-
The next couple of pics, you are going to ask, what season are we in anyway! But I just wanted to show you a couple of completed stitcheries before I put them away. The fall one- I had seen the verse and was afraid of forgetting it, so it got stitched up sat evening!

Well, thats all from me-the potatoes need peeled, but before I go, if anyone is into redwork-(if not they could be done in wool applique), but Paula over at "Quilt happy, quilt often" (sorry, but I don't know how to make blogs live) has some free BOM stitcheries. Running from June to June is, free seasons sew-along and just started is; Love is, free redwork BOM. I thought as I recover, they might be a nice little project, with a little primification added in!!
Well, thats all from me-the potatoes need peeled, but before I go, if anyone is into redwork-(if not they could be done in wool applique), but Paula over at "Quilt happy, quilt often" (sorry, but I don't know how to make blogs live) has some free BOM stitcheries. Running from June to June is, free seasons sew-along and just started is; Love is, free redwork BOM. I thought as I recover, they might be a nice little project, with a little primification added in!!
Until next time, keep safe,
Shazy x
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Bargains and crafts!
I want to start by thanking all of you who have left lovely comments and those of you who have decided to follow my blog! It is great to meet so many of you and to share so many common interests- the inspiration I have received from your tutorials and decor and thoughts has brought me a new lease of life:)lol!
I must say, I have had a few lovely days. Yesterday I was visiting with Christine from Preferably Prim and we had a lovely time over coffee, both discussing our crafts and best of all, seeing all Christines wonderful creations- your home is so welcoming Christine! She also made me the little cushion tuck as seen in the first photo-isn't it lovely? Thanks once again and for the lovely time Christine.
The wreath with berries I got in another shop-both again, half price!! I intend to keep the berry wreath out all year.
I had the middle stacking box already, so it was nice to get the set; again, half price!

I asked my hubby if he could get me some bits of wood sometime, as I wanted to make some signs. This is what he brought! I'm not sure if he wants me to sell them, or whether he didn't want me to ask him again!! Needless to say, I have plenty to keep me going:)
Then today my sister and I went on a little shopping trip. She told me she wanted to take me to a little place where there was a sale on and that I might like some of the things!
Here are the bargains I came home with:
I asked my hubby if he could get me some bits of wood sometime, as I wanted to make some signs. This is what he brought! I'm not sure if he wants me to sell them, or whether he didn't want me to ask him again!! Needless to say, I have plenty to keep me going:)
The photos are not very good as I couldn't get the flash to stop shining on them-they are darker than the photo shows. There are a few more in the making which I will post later.
This is our little BBQ house-ideal for this time of year, but I can't pluck up the courage to brave the elements and cook in it!
I must go now and get something done-it still takes me so long to do a post:)
Have a good week,
Shazy x
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Some completed projects!
Hello again! Its still very cold here with snow and freezing fog today- great for keeping us at home. We have not had it so cold here for many years, but I'm really quite enjoying it! The days are bright and clear with the snow; better than grey wet days! Obviously we don't have it as bad as many other bloggers have, but for here its pleasant enough.
Last few blogs I showed some pictures of things I have been working on. Now I have a few completed items-quite unusual for me as I often am impatient to start something new if my creativity head gets carried away!
The penny mat is completed- well completed enough to show you. I need to put a backing on, but that's the boring bit, so please don't ask to see it with the back on, as you could be waiting a while:)

Remember, this is a first so don't do too close an examination!lol!

I found this little Amish outfit upstairs-I had got it in Lancaster County a few years ago. Oh how I love that place! I know the people have to work very hard, but I just love the simplicity of it all and as for the quilts and crafts, wow, I didn't want to leave!!

This was a fun little project. I saw a similar idea in a picture somewhere and I thought it lovely to remind me of my three cherubs which bring warmth (wool and mittens) into our lives and home! I so love wool and woolen projects; you will probably think I'm mad, but I hate cutting into my wool stash-probably because it is so difficult to get good proper felted wool here. Anyway this project was small so I forced myself with the scissors!
The other stitchery I hopefully will show you next post as I am waiting on my hubby making me a frame!
I probably should have posted this yesterday-Wednesday, only I wasn't sure of the politics behind "Whatcha workin on wed?" With being new to blogging, I wasn't sure if this was open to all, or if an invitation was required, or have I to sign into anything? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Well, as this is quite a long post for me, I better go as the housework is accumulating!!
Until the next time,
~Shazy x
Last few blogs I showed some pictures of things I have been working on. Now I have a few completed items-quite unusual for me as I often am impatient to start something new if my creativity head gets carried away!
The penny mat is completed- well completed enough to show you. I need to put a backing on, but that's the boring bit, so please don't ask to see it with the back on, as you could be waiting a while:)
Remember, this is a first so don't do too close an examination!lol!
I found this little Amish outfit upstairs-I had got it in Lancaster County a few years ago. Oh how I love that place! I know the people have to work very hard, but I just love the simplicity of it all and as for the quilts and crafts, wow, I didn't want to leave!!
I had a bit of a problem knowing what to make next. You see I don't really do valentine things, so since we are still looking out at the snow, I reckoned that was a reasonable enough excuse to continue with winter!
This was a fun little project. I saw a similar idea in a picture somewhere and I thought it lovely to remind me of my three cherubs which bring warmth (wool and mittens) into our lives and home! I so love wool and woolen projects; you will probably think I'm mad, but I hate cutting into my wool stash-probably because it is so difficult to get good proper felted wool here. Anyway this project was small so I forced myself with the scissors!
The other stitchery I hopefully will show you next post as I am waiting on my hubby making me a frame!
I probably should have posted this yesterday-Wednesday, only I wasn't sure of the politics behind "Whatcha workin on wed?" With being new to blogging, I wasn't sure if this was open to all, or if an invitation was required, or have I to sign into anything? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Well, as this is quite a long post for me, I better go as the housework is accumulating!!
Until the next time,
~Shazy x
Monday, 4 January 2010
Still here!!
Good evening! I said I probably wouldn't be posting for a while but things don't always go as planned! I have learnt that lesson so many times but I seem to keep needing to learn it again for some reason!!
My surgery scheduled for wed was cancelled today. Part of me was pleased as the "me" part of me didn't fancy it; but the organised part of me was shocked. You see I had planned and worked like mad to leave my place tidy-beds changed,all the organising that you can imagine that a 13, 11 and a 2 year old would need and food left sorted for the family to eat! They still have to eat,lol! but you see I was conscious my MIL would be here and although she is lovely, one doesn't want to let ones self down in front of her MIL!!!
What did I do when I found out you ask? (My MIL said she left coming to see me as she thought I'd be sitting in the corner crying!) No tears; I stopped the cleaning marathon and STITCHED-nothing like stitching for therapy:)
It is all bittersweet really- the surgery is still ahead and the cleaning marathon has to be repeated!!
On a more serious note; I believe even all these small details in the great scheme of things are all planned and are for a purpose, so I guess for me, the way to a peaceful heart in it all is, submission and acceptance, as the Master planner is at work!
Here starts the therapy!

This is a little display case I had in the sunroom which was wasted really, as the weather only allows us to use that room about 3 months in the year. It got a slight revamp and got moved into the living area. More tweaking will be required, but I wanted to use things I had about the house.

This was the revamp-the doors were removed as I like it better for displaying!
Here is a question;- What can I do with the doors? The only thing I can think to do is take the glass out and the knobs off and use as picture frames:) Has any of you creators any other ideas? Your ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Have a great week, Shazy x
My surgery scheduled for wed was cancelled today. Part of me was pleased as the "me" part of me didn't fancy it; but the organised part of me was shocked. You see I had planned and worked like mad to leave my place tidy-beds changed,all the organising that you can imagine that a 13, 11 and a 2 year old would need and food left sorted for the family to eat! They still have to eat,lol! but you see I was conscious my MIL would be here and although she is lovely, one doesn't want to let ones self down in front of her MIL!!!
What did I do when I found out you ask? (My MIL said she left coming to see me as she thought I'd be sitting in the corner crying!) No tears; I stopped the cleaning marathon and STITCHED-nothing like stitching for therapy:)
It is all bittersweet really- the surgery is still ahead and the cleaning marathon has to be repeated!!
On a more serious note; I believe even all these small details in the great scheme of things are all planned and are for a purpose, so I guess for me, the way to a peaceful heart in it all is, submission and acceptance, as the Master planner is at work!
Here starts the therapy!
This is a little display case I had in the sunroom which was wasted really, as the weather only allows us to use that room about 3 months in the year. It got a slight revamp and got moved into the living area. More tweaking will be required, but I wanted to use things I had about the house.
This was the revamp-the doors were removed as I like it better for displaying!
Here is a question;- What can I do with the doors? The only thing I can think to do is take the glass out and the knobs off and use as picture frames:) Has any of you creators any other ideas? Your ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Have a great week, Shazy x
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