My surgery scheduled for wed was cancelled today. Part of me was pleased as the "me" part of me didn't fancy it; but the organised part of me was shocked. You see I had planned and worked like mad to leave my place tidy-beds changed,all the organising that you can imagine that a 13, 11 and a 2 year old would need and food left sorted for the family to eat! They still have to eat,lol! but you see I was conscious my MIL would be here and although she is lovely, one doesn't want to let ones self down in front of her MIL!!!
What did I do when I found out you ask? (My MIL said she left coming to see me as she thought I'd be sitting in the corner crying!) No tears; I stopped the cleaning marathon and STITCHED-nothing like stitching for therapy:)
It is all bittersweet really- the surgery is still ahead and the cleaning marathon has to be repeated!!
On a more serious note; I believe even all these small details in the great scheme of things are all planned and are for a purpose, so I guess for me, the way to a peaceful heart in it all is, submission and acceptance, as the Master planner is at work!
Here starts the therapy!
This is a little display case I had in the sunroom which was wasted really, as the weather only allows us to use that room about 3 months in the year. It got a slight revamp and got moved into the living area. More tweaking will be required, but I wanted to use things I had about the house.
This was the revamp-the doors were removed as I like it better for displaying!
Here is a question;- What can I do with the doors? The only thing I can think to do is take the glass out and the knobs off and use as picture frames:) Has any of you creators any other ideas? Your ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Have a great week, Shazy x
I love that you were stitching for therapy. That's what I'm doing today and tomorrow. My mom is going to be in the hospital. I'm worried today so I'm stitching until my fingers hurt. When in the waiting room tomorrow...stitching all day.
ReplyDeleteLove the cabinet and the only thing i can think of for the doors are frames too! I hope someone else has some ideas for you!
ReplyDeleteLove what you have started to make me want to get my stitching out:)
Sharon, indeed we know that 'all things work together for good' and all will be well.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see finished stitchery!
That's too bad that your surgery has to be postponed, you've done so much to prepare. You found a great outlet for your therapy though. I love your stitcheries!!
ReplyDeleteI think a frame is a lovely idea for the doors. I have a cupboard door that my hubby brought home and we made a framed shelf out of it. Check out this previous post of mine and scroll down, you'll see the shelf without a picture and then with the window part filled.
Here's the original post when it was in its original condition and after we repurposed it.
I can't wait to see what you do!
Blessings~ Birgit
So sorry about your surgery being postponed. There is a reason for it, you just might not know why. Thank you Lord for being in control of ALL things! =]
ReplyDeleteStitching is therapy for me also. I don't blame you. Every once in a great while, I let all home chores go by the wayside and I sit down to stitch.
Loving that beautiful cabinet! Can't wait to see what comes of the doors, sounds like Birgit has a wonderful idea!